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Linea della Pace
Today the Museum "Linea della Pace" is open


The ON Association, with theit volunteers, would like to thank all those who made this project possible with their commitment.

The Civil Protection of Cuasso al Monte

For the scrupulous reenhancement of the Northern Frontier, source of inspiration for the open-air museum

The Municipality of Cuasso al Monte

For its unconditional support at all stages of the creation of the Peace Line

The Piambello Mountain Community

For having economically and bureaucratically supported the Association and its vision of Peace

The Lombardy Region

For the economic contribution attributed via the PIC for the historical-naturalistic importance of the project

The Sermig – Depot of Peace

For showing the way and granting a patronage, a sign of friendship and continuous collaboration

William G. Costabile Cisco

For the selection and composition of the literary passages and the creation of any didactic content for the schools and the visiting tourists

Antonio Trotti

For the historical-cultural information and the selection of the original images of the Northern Frontier

Francesco Vanzaghi

Who with his paintings has also given life to a visual storytelling

Barbara Vitale for ViVa!

For the logo, the visual identity of the Museum and the Linea della Pace website

Andrea Bellotto

For the App, the site and the GPS tracks, without which tourists couldn’t live this experience

Paolo Bertocchi

Who with the mastery of his work, has made some sections of the trench safe

Massimiliano Buzzi

Always alongside ON, for the construction of the information boards positioned along the entire route

Stefano Accorsi, Raoul Bova, Carolina Crescentini, Stefano Fresi, Alessandro Preziosi, Anna Safroncik, Alessandro Siani

Actors who gave their voices for free, making the stories of those authors who have always been involved in spreading Peace as the only response to the War exciting and relevant still today

The ON Association would like to thank their loyal friend Valerio Vanoni

A companion of a thousand adventures, the soul of the redevelopment of the Northern Frontier, who, with his continuous example, his smile, his clear feelings, has proven to be a man of Peace

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Sentiero bellissimo e complimenti per i pannelli

Marcone CAI Gavirate

64 Years Old

Send us your thought of peace

With the contribution of

With the patronage