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Linea della Pace
Today the Museum "Linea della Pace" is open



The Path of Peace is always open to the public


The “Linea della Pace” is with free admission

How to get there

BY CAR: From Varese follow for Induno Olona, Arcisate, Bisuschio, drive from the Bisuschio church about 300 m and take the first detour on the left to Cuasso al Monte. The first district of the municipality you meet is Cuasso al Piano, to follow, going up towards the Alpe you will meet Borgnana, Cuasso al Monte, Cavagnano. Continuing from Cavagnano you will find the branch to Ospedale and the Alpe del Tedesco locality.
BY BUS: from Varese line to Cuasso al Monte hospital.
BY TRAIN: from Milan line to Varese, it will reach Cuasso al Monte by bus service Giuliani and Laudi line to Cuasso al Monte Hospital.

Where we are

Via Roma, 58
Cuasso al Monte
Varese (Italy)


We are working to make the trail accessible to all people with mobility disabilities.
We apologize to visitors for the inconvenience.
We will keep you updated on the work.

Useful tips for visiting

The Linea della Pace is a woodland trail of about 6.5 km in the Cinque Vette Park in the province of Varese.

We recommend appropriate clothing for a walk in the woods and hiking shoes.

For a more immersive experience, we recommend that you download the APP and listen to the audio content with your smartphone’s earphones.

You can download on this page the handbook for tourists to prepare for the visit and to explore topics in depth.

Download the app LINEA DELLA PACE

Sentiero bellissimo e complimenti per i pannelli

Marcone CAI Gavirate

64 Years Old

Send us your thought of peace

With the contribution of

With the patronage